I've been making music for almost a year now and I need an icon of some sort. You know, like a picture that would go on the cover of an album or something.
So if anyone could help me out and make me one, I would really appreciate it! I'm not really sure what I want it to look like though, I just want it to look cool :D So you could just show me an example of what you can make and I'll decide if I want to use it or not :) Thanks!
Well I'm guessing CG are your initials...
<a href="http://www.kenney.nl/files/cg_album_art.jpg">http://www.kenney.nl/files/cg_album_a rt.jpg</a>
Wow....that is REALLY awesome! Let me see what other people have to offer, but I will most likely use yours. Thanks a lot!